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Pandas Styling: 판다스 스타일링 본문


Pandas Styling: 판다스 스타일링

All_is_LiJell 2022. 2. 11. 17:57
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.linspace(1,10,10)})
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,4), columns = list('BCDE'))],
              axis= 1)
df.iloc[3,3] = np.nan
df.iloc[0,2] = np.nan

Styling the DataFrame

1. Highlight: 하이라이트

Highlight Min-Max values

  • For highlighting maximum values : chain '.highlight_max()' function to the styler object
  • Additionally, you can also specify the axis for which you want to highlight the values

1.1.Highlight Max values

  • Without Styling
  • With Styling
  • default는 axis =0
  • axis= 0 은 raw들의 같은 위치값을 가지는 수 끼리 비교하여 max 값을 highlight.
  • 행렬의 개념으로 생각하면 됨
  • axis =1 은 columns 의 같은 위치 값을 가지는 수 끼리 비교하여 가장 큰 값을 highlight

1.2. Highlight Min values

1.3. Highlight Null values

  • set_na_rep() : along with highlighting the missing values, they may be represented as 'nan'. You can change the representation of these missing values using the set_na_rep() function
  • This function can also be chained with any styler function but chaining it with highlight_null will provide more details'green')"OutofScope").highlight_null(null_color="orange")

2. Create Heatmap within dataframe: 히트맵

  • Heatmaps are used to represent values with the color shades
  • The higher is the color shade, the larger is the value present.
  • These color shades represent the intensity of values as compared to other values.
  • To plot such a mapping in the dataframe itself, there is no direct function but the 'styler.background_gradient()' workaround does the work

  • There are few parameters you can pass to this function to further customize the output generated
      1. cmap : by default, the 'PuBu' colormap is selected by pandas. You can create a custom matplotlib colormap and pass it to the cmap parameter.
      1. axis : generating heat via rows or columns criteria, by default: columns
      1. text_color_threshold : controls text visibility across varying background colors

3. Table Properties: 테이블 속성

  • The dataframe presented in the Jupyter notebooks( google colab) is a table rendered using HTML and CSS
  • The table properties can be controlled using the 'set_properties' method
  • This method is used to set one or more data-independent properties → modifications are done purely based on visual appearance and no significance as such.
  • This method takes in the properties to be set as a dictionary**{'border': '1.3px solid green',
                          'color': 'magenta'})

4. Create Bar Charts: 차트 바

  • Just as the heat map, the bar charts can also be plotted within the dataframe itself
  • The bars as plotted in each cell depending upon the axis selected
  • By default, the axis=0 and the plot color are also fixed by pandas but it is configurable.
  • To plot these bars, you simply need to chain the '.bar()' function to the styler object'green')

5. Control Precision: 소수점 자리 설정

  • Current values of the dataframe have float values and their decimals have no boundary condition
  • Even the column 'A', which had to hold a single value is having too many decimal places
  • To control this behavior, you can use the '.set_precision()' function and pass the values for maximum decimals to be allowed

6. Add Captions: 캡션 넣기

  • Like every image has a caption that defines the post text, you can add captions to your data frames
  • This text will depict what the dataframe results talks about
  • They may be sort of summary statistics like pivot tables"This is Dataframe styling demo").set_precision(2).background_gradient()

7. Hiding Index or Column: 행렬 숨기기

  • You can hide the index or any particular column from the dataframe
  • Hiding index from the dataframe can be useful in cases when index doesn't convey anything significant about the data
  • The column hiding depends on whether it is useful or not'B')

8. Control display values: 값 설정

  • Using the styler object's '.format()' function, you can distinguish between the actual values held by the dataframe and the values you present
  • The 'format' function takes in the format spec string that defines how individual values are presented
  • You can directly specify the specification which will apply to the whole dataset or you can pass the specific column on which you want to control the display values"{:.3%}")

  • the missing values have also been marked by the format function → This can be skipped and substituted with a different value using the 'na_rep' (na replacement) parameter"{:.3%}", na_rep="&&")

9. Table Styles: 테이블 스타일

  • These are styles that apply to the table as a whole, but you don't look at the data
  • It is very similar to the set_properties function but here, in the table styles, you can customize all web elements more easily
  • The function of concern here is the 'set_table_styles' that takes in the list of dictionaries for defining the elements
  • The dictionary needs to have the selector (HTML tag or CSS class) and its corresponding props (attributes or properties of the element)
  • The props need to be a list of tuples of properties for that selector
styles = [
        props=[("background", "#f4f4f4")]),
    dict(selector="th", props=[("color", "#fff"),
                              ("border", "1px solid #eee"),
                              ("padding", "12px 35px"),
                              ("border-collapse", "collapse"),
                              ("background", "#00cccc"),
                              ("text-tramsform", "uppercase"),
                              ("font-size", 18px)
    dict(selector="td", props=[("color", "#999"),
                              ("border", "1px solid #eee"),
                              ("padding", "12px 35px"),
                              ("border-collapse", "collapse"),
                              ("font-size", 15px)
    dict(selector="table", props=[("font-family", 'Arial'),
                                 ("margin", "25px auto"),
                                 ("border-collapse", "collapse"),
                                 ("border", "1px solid #eee"),
                                 ("border-bottom", "2px solid #00cccc"),
    dict(selector="caption", props=[("caption-side", "bottom")])
]"Image by Author (Made in Pandas)").highlight_max().highlight_null(null_color='red')

10. Export to Excel: 엑셀에 저장

  • You can store all the styling you have done on your dataframe in an excel file
  • The '.to_excel' function on the styler object makes it possible
  • This function needs two parameters : the name of the file to be saved (with extension 'xlsx') and the 'engine' parameter should be 'openpyxl''styled.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')


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